Purple Bales & WellChild

Welcome to the Carr’s Billington 2024 purple page!

For the 10th year Carr’s Billington are supporting WellChild, the national children’s charity that does amazing work throughout the UK for seriously ill children.

So far we have donated over £50,000 from the proceeds of the purple wrap and from fundraising activities by Carr’s Billington staff, but we have only managed this with the amazing support of our customers’ and their families. We have also supported this great charity by helping to promote them and their activities, and although we will be making another significant contribution to the charity, our primary aim for 2024 is to promote the charity. We want even more people to know about WellChild and the amazing work their staff undertake and the support they provide children and their families. WellChild work toward giving children with serious health needs the best chance to thrive – at home

More than 100,000 children are estimated to be living across the UK with serious or exceptional health needs. Many spend months, even years in hospital simply because there is no support enabling them to leave. For families already at home,  their ability to keep their children safe is constantly challenged by inconsistent and inadequate levels of training and support.

WellChild’s aim is to give this growing population of children the best chance to thrive – properly supported at home, together with their families. They do this through a range of services which include:

  • 51 Children Nurses across the UK – enable children with complex needs to leave hospital and be cared for at home

  • Helping Hands programme – enlists volunteers to create accessible sensory gardens in children’s homes

  • Better At Home Units –  train parents to care with confidence at home

  • Family Tree –  connects families who feel isolated via social media, on-line group meet ups and coffee mornings for mutual support

  • Information Hub – digital resources to inform and provide support for parents

Watch More About WellChild

Purple Bales Competition

We want our customers to share, like and post pictures of their purple bales far and wide. We will provide sticker packs to anyone who needs them, just make sure you use the hashtag #purplebales and tag @WellChild on social media.

If you purchase purple wrap we will ship directly to you a set of stickers to create your purple bale masterpiece 

Once your masterpiece is complete, send your pictures to marketing@carrs-billington.com  and we will post them on our social media, or tag us on your own page, ensuring the privacy settings are set to ‘Public’. 

Only entries submitted to our email address will be accept into our competition.  Entries close 31st August 2024.

Terms & Conditions Apply read here

There will be an announcement shortly on the extremely exciting prize for the winner of the Purple Bales competition.

To order your wrap

Call our Freephone Forage Line to order your Purple Bale Wrap on 08000 234416

To print your colouring-in page

Well Child Colouring-In Competition (click here to display and print)

To order your emoji stickers

Call our Forage line: 08000 234416
Facebook: @carrsbillington
Twitter: @carrsbillington
Instagram: @carrsbillington

Please view our competition terms & agreement here.

Call our Freephone Forage Line to order your Purple Bale Wrap, Net Wrap & Emoji Stickers.
Telephone: 08000 234416

About the Product


The Molecular Structure of the film provides gives excellent performance in both longitudinal and transverse directions, particularly important when baling square bales, where corners are very aggressive.

Key Benefits

  • The 7 layers provide extra protection and improved puncture resistance
  • High stretch capability
  • Maximum adhesive additives guarantee air and water resistance between the layers, providing excellent silage fermentation
  • Minimum losses of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Oxygen penetration (O2)
  • UV Stabilized for 1 year
  • High impact, water resistance cardboard cores
  • Fully recyclable