stopping watery mouthstopping watery mouth

Helping you reduce the risk of Watery Mouth 

With lambing season upon us, concerns turn to this year’s antimicrobial product shortages – specifically Spectam Scour Halt – in combatting the common Watery Mouth challenge.  

The lack of treatment available makes the serious E coli. bacterial disease an even greater threat to new-born lambs and sheep farming production profitability.  

Here we offer alternative control measures before, during and after lambing to help reduce the risk of disease.  

3 steps to reducing the risk of clostridial diseases

ewe preparation watery mouthewe preparation watery mouth


In the 4-8 weeks leading up to lambing, when demands on the in-lamb ewe intensify, the focus is on getting ewes in correct body condition, to ensure colostrum and milk quality and quantity.

lambing assistance watery mouthlambing assistance watery mouth


As lambing time ensues, the focus shifts to controlling the spread of bacteria through hygiene protocols. Mothering-up pens and equipment should be mucked out and disinfected between each ewe.

lamb nutrition watery mouthlamb nutrition watery mouth


In the first 24 hours of life of the new-born lamb, we have to ensure they consume 10 percent of their body weight in colostrum. Thereon, ensuring they are getting adequate milk and feed intake.



Ewe Prepartion Products


Specially formulated feed rolls and nuts designed for high performance.

  • Dense in AminoMax™ providing rumen bypass protein.
  • Includes maize starch for slow-release high-energy.
  • Contains the Safmannan® premium yeast fraction.
ewe feedewe feed


A high intake and free access feed tub offering an excellent source of energy from sugars, starch and protected fat and high-quality rumen bypass protein.

Also offers a balanced source of minerals, protein, and vitamins, with Safmannan® included.

megastart ewe & lambmegastart ewe & lamb


Safmannan is a premium yeast fraction rich in Mannans and β-glucans.

Mannans are proven to bind harmful gut pathogens, whilst β-glucans support the immune system in dealing with the threat of infections more effectively.

Trail work has shown to significantly increase colostrum IgG by 25 percent.


Lambing Assistance Products


An extremely powerful and fast acting terminal iodine-based disinfectant that is bactericidal, fungicidal and virucidal, offering excellent protection from a wide range of disease-causing organisms.

Defra approved and also listed in the Aquatic Disinfectant Listing Scheme.

fam 30fam 30


A highly absorbent disinfectant that absorbs moisture, reduces ammonia, and controls the bacterial population.

Environmentally friendly and safe to handle.

dry disinfectant powderdry disinfectant powder

Lamb Nutrition & Support Products


Contains whole natural colostrum and colostral fat collected from Scottish farms for superior fat content profile.


Buy a 1kg bag of Superstart colostrum and get a free lamb boost!



Specially designed to drive feed intakes early, to maximise growth and fleshing.

  • High maize and Hipro Soya inclusion
  • Actisaf live yeast to maintain rumen function, improve fibre digestion, and feed conversion, reduce the risk of digestive upset and acidosis and deliver better carcase conformation.
  • EarlyBite, a unique sensory additive, helps to stimulate appetite and encourage intakes of the feed as well as forage.
lamb feedlamb feed


  • Egg proteins designed to support the intestinal development of young lambs.
  • Easily digestible energy source, aiding survival in harsh environmental conditions.
  • Energy source to help fuel metabolism of the liver, helping to protect the body’s own reserves from depletion.
  • Key vitamin package to support early growth.
superstart lamb guardsuperstart lamb guard

What our customers say about EWEMAX19™

Adam & Leanne Hunter Crow Tree’s Farm, YorksAdam & Leanne Hunter Crow Tree’s Farm, Yorks

“With EWEMAX19 our lambs are up and away with a lot less scours and Watery Mouth.

Colostrum is everything.  We’ve actually stopped using broad spectrum antibiotics.  Ewes have loads of milk, so we spend less time topping lambs up.”

Adam & Leanne Hunter
Crow Tree’s Farm, Yorks

Neil White Barf House Farm, YorksNeil White Barf House Farm, Yorks

“We’ve battled with a bit of scour and twin lamb disease in the past, so were keen to find a high energy and protein feed for preparing ewes lambing indoors.

EWEMAX19 gets high-quality colostrum into the lambs, and makes ewes nice and milky, so gives us less problems and greater returns in the long run”

Neil White
Barf House Farm, Yorks

Wilf & Stuart Buckle Bleathgill Farm, YorksWilf & Stuart Buckle Bleathgill Farm, Yorks

“We outwinter on lowland diary farms before lambing on the hills at home.  Getting them onto feed without going sick has historically been a challenge. 

Feeding EWEMAX19 – with it’s softer starch, higher energy and Safmannan – keeps them settle and able to give better colostrum and plenty of milk

Wilf & Stuart Buckle
Bleathgill Farm
, Yorks

Geoffrey & Valarie Porter Riddings Blueface Leicester SheepGeoffrey & Valarie Porter Riddings Blueface Leicester Sheep

“Getting our lambs off to the best start is essential in realising their full genetic potential.

Feeding EWEMAX19 with it’s high energy and Safmannan for 4 weeks pre-lambing, ensures our lambs get enough energy and immunity through the colostrum and milk.  Investing now reaps rewards come show and sale time.”

Geoffrey & Valarie Porter
Riddings Blueface Leicester Sheep

News & Insights

pre-lamb feedspre-lamb feeds

What to look out for in pre-lambing feeds

Simon Mellor, Animal Health Advisor at Carr’s Billington, explains the essential ewe feed ingredients that can help improve lamb health – reducing disease incidence, severity, and reliance on antibiotics.

The importance of pre-lambing nutrition

Ryan Whyte, Feed Commercial Manager at Carr’s Billington, describes the effects of feeding EWEMAX19™ with Safmannan® and AminoMax™ to ewes in the 4-week period before lambing time.

time for lambingtime for lambing

Get ewe nutrition optimised when the lamb is still in the womb, and you’ll make your life easier for that first 48-hours and beyond.

Enquire today and get a FREE silage sample and EweCheckTM Diet
Call us on: 01228 518860