British Horse Feeds Speedi-Beet

From £20.25 £20.25
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British Horse Feeds Speedi-Beet is a highly versatile feedstuff that can be fed to a wide range of horses. The high fibre, low sugar & starch free formula can be used as a forage alternative, hard feed replacer, palatant for fussy feeders & many other uses. It has also shown to have a prebiotic effect on hindgut fermentation & can help improve the nutritional quality of other fibre based feedstuff.

  • Alfalfa is used as a high quality protein
  • Helps improve condition of mildly underweight horses
  • Prebiotic effect on hindgut


Unmolassed sugar beet flakes

Analytical Constituents

Digestible Energy 12 MJ/kg, Protein 9%, Oil 0.7%, Fibre 16% & Ash 9%

Delivery Notice

This product will be shipped direct and will be delivered individually from other items you may order at the same time.

This product has a fixed shipping charge of £7.50 per item